Pillars of Health 3 : What You Can Do During the Day

There are a number of things we can do during the day that will help prepare our bodies for a good night’s sleep.  First, exercise.  This is good for you even if it doesn’t help you sleep, and we all of us should be exercising regularly.  Second, make sure you are drinking adequate amounts of fluids during the day.  Limit your caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon.  Avoid after dinner or late night snacking, and limit or avoid alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime.  While alcohol may make you sleepy shortly after having it, it tends disrupt sleep later in the night.  Finally, in the last 30 minutes or so before bed, do some relaxing activities, but don’t do them in bed.  If you struggle with worrying before bed, work on some relaxation techniques.  Once you start to feel sleepy, go to bed.


Pillars of Health 3 : What You Can Do At Bedtime


Pillars of Health 3 : Common Sleep Disorders