Pillars of Health 3 : What You Can Do At Bedtime
We’ve talked about some things to do during the day to prepare for a good night’s sleep. Now, lets talk about the things that make up good sleep habits. First, try to have a consistent bedtime. People that have one bedtime during the week and a different one on the weekend are prone to having sleep problems. Second, maintain a good sleep environment. This means a cool, dark, and quiet bedroom. Cool doesn’t mean cold, and quiet doesn’t mean silent. For some, a little background white noise is helpful. Avoid using any bright lights just before your fall asleep, and don’t use your phone if you wake up in the middle of the night. If you have light leaking in from outside, consider using an eye mask. Make sure your bed covers aren’t too heavy or too light. We can all wake up if we get hot or cold. If you continue to struggle with sleep, see your doctor and talk about the various problems that might be going on.