Pillars of Health 2 :Go Pro-tein

Finally, we have the low carb diets, like Adkins, Paleo, and Keto to name a few. These diets have increased intake of fish, meat, and other animal products like eggs and dairy, with reasonable amounts of vegetables, with limited carbohydrate intake. These diets have in the past been shown to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, and help with weight loss, but they don’t seem to be superior to other diets. The final type of diet to discuss is the carnivore diet, which is basically all animal products, all the time, with the exception of high lactose dairy products. This diet has not been well studied, so nothing can be said at this time about any harms or benefits it may have on people.


Pillars of Health 2 :What Should I Do?


Pillars of Health 2 :Take a Trip to the Med