Pillars of Health 2 :General Types of Diets
Let’s talk now about some general types of diets, and by diet I do not mean diet in the sense of just simply limiting calories, or pursuing a highly restrictive pattern of eating for a set period of time. That is what diet meant back in the 80’s and 90’s, and it was used purely as a means for losing weight. Nowadays, we use the word diet to mean a general approach to what foods a person will eat, and these are sustainable over the long term. There are vegetarian diets, vegan diets, and the various low-carb diets like Adkins, Paleo, Keto, etc. There is the Mediterranean diet and variants of it like the DASH diet. And then there is the Standard American Diet. We’ll talk about these diets over the coming days, including some information about how they impact our health.