Pillars of Health 6: Quitting Smoking: Part 1

Quitting smoking is very difficult, but it is vitally important for anyone who smokes.  There are a number of different ways to quit smoking, some more effective that others.  I have known some people who quit using acupuncture, others quit working with a life coach.  Others have quit using nicotine replacement symptoms, like patches or gums, and still others have used prescription medications.  There are also people who have quit cold-turkey.  I even know of a woman who quit using celery sticks cut into the size of cigarettes.  Whenever she had an urge to smoke, she would slowly chew on one of those sticks, and it helped keep her from smoking long enough that the habit was broken!


Pillars of Health 6: Quitting Smoking: Part 2


Pillars of Health 6: Avoiding Toxic Exposures: Part 1